Institute of Fundraising Three Peaks Challenge Code of Conduct
The Three Peaks Challenge has become increasingly popular as a fundraising event. Teams are challenged to climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon, the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales. This is putting pressure on the same localities throughout the summer months, with considerable impact on the environment, local residents, rescue services and amenities. The National Parks and landowners are responding by discouraging further growth of the event. The Institute of Fundraising recognises the adverse effect of this growth and is, therefore, encouraging better event management.
An organiser ought to:
- Ensure that all landowners are informed of your plans beforehand
- Respond to their recommendations; it may be necessary to alter dates or routes avoid the peak summer - especially June. Events should not cause overcrowding on the mountains
- Contact other charities organising events of this type to avoid difficulties that arise if two events clash on the same date. You can do this by registering your event with the Three Peaks Partnership
- Avoid Bank Holidays when other users should be considered
- Avoid weekends, if possible. A Friday/Saturday event is preferable to Saturday/Sunday
- Limit the number of walkers to no more than 200 per event, unless special dispensation is granted by the landowners
- Plan the event to avoid congestion - stagger start times check equipment and experience levels ensure that all walkers are thoroughly briefed on routes, environmental issues and the need to keep to paths show respect for other hill users and local residents
- Inform the rescue services of your plans
- Provide high quality marshals with local experience and in sufficient numbers. It should not be assumed that local Mountain Rescue Teams can provide such as service
- Have a central control centre - effective communication is vital to safety and management be prepared to deal with accidents, emergencies or poor weather conditions
- Clean local toilets and clear litter before leaving the area
- Report any damage to the local landowners
- Strongly discourage racing between teams on and between mountains; agree designated rest stops and driving times beforehand that recognise speed limits.
The Environment And Local People
Excessive numbers of walkers arriving at the same location will cause severe congestion, disturb local residents and damage footpaths. These code of practice guidelines address these issues.
- Park your vehicles properly and do not block exits, gateways, off road is ideal.
- Please use local toilets and do not foul the countryside. Take any litter home with you, especially drink cans.
- Remember that this is a working environment. Gates should be closed behind you and respect the needs of the local farmers.
- Keep to the footpaths. Short-cuts can cause enormous damage, keep in single file in narrow sections.
- The limit for charity events should be 200. To avoid congestion split into smaller groups. As well as being better for the hill users, it is more enjoyable for you.
- Do not disturb or inconvenience local people.
- Do not arrive, start or finish between 11PM and 5am.
- Report any damages to local rangers, landowners and event manager.
- Before leaving, check that you have removed any trace of your visit, especially litter.
- Inform Local Authorities of the event especially managing bodies such as The National Parks and The National Trust. Listen and react to their advice if there are any sensitive environmental issues.
- Always ensure you have permission from the landowner to hold your event.
Some additional points for The Three Peaks Challenge
- Check equipment and experience levels.
- No arrival or departure between 11PM and 5am at any location with settlement.
- To avoid congestion, completely avoid late June and early July.
- Brief all walkers on routes on every mountain, equipment and training.
- Do not use large coaches - only minibuses as roads are narrow.
- Provide high quality marshals with local experience. Do not expect the local Mountain Rescue services to provide this.
- Do not rely on mobile phones - use VHF radios for communication.
- Have a plan for accidents, emergencies and poor weather.
- Local amenities are often limited - use motorway service areas and other facilities en route.
- Use Glen Nevis Visitor centre as the start point for Ben Nevis.
- Avoid starting at Wasdale, do not use Wasdale green as a car park. Water supplies are limited so bring your own.
- At Snowdon, parking is difficult at Pen-y-Pass. Disembark only.
- Do not speed between mountains; agree driving times before hand and observe legal speed limits.
Further Information
Further information from the Lake District National Park Authority
Further information from the Three Peaks Partnership including how to register.