The Navigator's Dozen
The 12 most important mountain navigation skills.
These are all the skills needed to navigate in the hills (some of the skills overlap with each other).
- Setting the map
- Ticking off features
- Contour interpretation
- Taking and following a compass bearing (in detail and as a rough guide).
- Estimating distance travelled by timing and by pacing.
- Route Choice Selection of features on the map which can be identified on the ground to create navigational legs along a route that avoids major hazards and is practical to follow.
- Relocation strategies - in case you lose track of where you are.
- Identifying catching features so that you will know what the ground will be like if you have overshot your target.
- Map scales and measuring distances on the map.
- Slope Aspect and Direction of Linear Features.
- Aiming Off, Attack Points, Handrails
- Symbols and Grid References.
This page reproduced with the kind permission of the Mountaineering Council of Scotland (MCofS). They run a number of Mountain safety courses, Seminars and Lectures. You can join the MCofS here